Uge 42 nærmer sig og vi er klart med anden og sidste afdeling af Danish Open Windsurf Wave and Freestyle Championships 2021 

Vi fik det par rigtig fede dag til forårs stævnet og satser på mindst lige så gode dage i uge 42, så den står på vind bølger og maks hygge, vi ses.
Husk tilmelding er inden den 10/10
Video 1. Session 2021
Mere info
Tak for støtten i 2021 det gør en stort forskel, vil du også støtte det Danske Wave og Freestyle miljø så kontakt os.
– WestWind Surfshop Vorupør
WestWind Surfshop Vorupør
Lakor Soulwear
Redbull Danmark
Klitmøller Rig Wear
Starboard / Severne Danmark
Danish Open Windsurf Wave and Freestyle Championships 2021
Here we go, the program for Danish Open 2021
Spring classic form 22/5 to 24/5 and is the epic week 42 event from 21/10-24/10
We hope you will join us for some windy days with good fun on and off the water and Pizza in the evening.
It’s an open event where everybody can sign up and get the chance to be Danish Champion 2021.
We will compete in Wave and Freestyle, Juniors, Ladies and Men, with the right conditions we will find a winner in all classes and overall in wave/freestyle.
To win the title you have to be member of a national sailing association.
Official titles are:
Dansk Sejlunions Danmarksmesterskab.
Dansk Sejlunions Ungdomsdanmarksmesterskab U20.
Remember to sign up her as foreigner no later then the 15/5 and the 10/10 to secure your entry in the event,
Video fro last year: